Portfolio    /    4 bedroom    /    Villa Casa Petak

Casa Petak


Bali, Indonesia

Build Type


Build Size

315 m²

Land Size

470 m²

Design Style





Casa Petak garners widespread acclaim for its captivating style, thoughtful design, and exceptional appeal as a standout holiday rental. This villa in Bali seamlessly intertwines natural elements with stylish design, creating a harmonious flow throughout its spaces.

Boasting 4 bedrooms, this modern tropical architecture exudes a modern tropical house design with Mediterranean influences. Each room embodies a blend of natural decor and wooden furnishings, featuring beautifully arched windows that add character.

The central area of the villa is connecting the living and dining spaces. An iconic sunken sofa within a spacious setting becomes a focal point, while large glass sliding doors invite ample natural light and offer unobstructed views of the pool and the lush tropical outdoors.

Every part of Casa Petak 4 BR has been designed to be Instagram-worthy, helping to ensure high occupancy rates and happy guests. 

If you’re interested in knowing more about our global architect services and other villa designs, please get in touch with us.



When building in Bali, there are local rules and regulations that must be followed in order to ensure legal compliance. Our team can help take care of all of the legal obligations for your new villa in Bali.

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